Orders and Payment
There is no minimum wholesale order value but keep in mind that we offer free shipping for orders over $1000, otherwise a $40 shipping and handling fee will apply. Products are sold in wholesale cartons, so for example a typical carton quantity is 6 and therefore you can only order 6,12,18 etc. You will be able to see the relevant carton quantity for each product as you add it to your cart.
When you are ready to confirm your order then select Check Out from the Cart page. At this point you can add a message to your order if need, for example if you need to have a PO reference recorded on the invoice.
When completing checkout be sure to verify:
- Have you reached the free shipping threshold? Consider adjusting your order quantities if needed.
- Check that the shipping address is correct
- Select the payment method that is appropriate for your account. We encourage all customers to apply for payment terms but if you do not yet have payment terms then you will need to select payment via credit card.
Billing to your account
- Select this option if you would like us to invoice the order according to your credit terms, the invoice will be sent via email once your order has been dispatched. Invoices are sent to your nominated accounts email address.
Payment via Credit Card
- Select this option if you would like us to charge your credit card
- All credit cards are stored and processed securely via our system
- If you have previously authorised us to store and charge your card then your order will be charged and dispatched, otherwise we will contact you for card details