Reading Collection E Havane
Reading Collection E Havane
RRP:RRP: $69.95
Warehouse Stock: 21 in stock at warehouse
Pre-Order Stock: Not currently available for pre-order
More stock expected: : 23 Nov
Colourful, lightweight reading glasses. Designed to facilitate eyesight on a daily basis, frames are available in a range of strengths, colours and styles.
- IZIPIZI glasses are unisex and universal, innovative and fashionable.
- Flexible arms with a comfortable rubber texture - featuring spring hinges, which adapt to all face shapes and sizes.
- Shape E is a large, structured trapezium.
This model complies with the international standards for prescription glasses (IS0 12870).
Frame dimensions: 13.4cm x 5.1cm x 15cm
SKU:SKU code: SC-LMSEC238_15
Manufacturer Code:Manufacturer code: LMSEC238_15
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