MoMA Frida Kahlo Puzzle 884 Pieces
MoMA Frida Kahlo Puzzle 884 Pieces
RRP:RRP: $69.95
Warehouse Stock: 96 in stock at warehouse
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884 piece puzzle featuring reproduction of Frida Kahlo artwork : Fulang-Chang and I (1937)
- Sit and unwind while piecing together significant works from the MoMA collection.
- Includes easy-to-assemble nine-compartment sorting tray to organise the puzzle pieces inside the box.
- Large puzzle pieces make it easier to see the details and match the pieces.
Assembled size approx. 64 x 50.4cm.
Materials: 95% recycled greyboard printed with non-toxic ink.
SKU:SKU code: MM-153777
Manufacturer Code:Manufacturer code: 153777
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