Photo Album XL Vanity Fair March 1927
Photo Album XL Vanity Fair March 1927
RRP:RRP: $120.00
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Extra-large photo album with vintage magazine design.
- Discover the exclusive coffee table album, created in collaboration with Vanity Fair.
- Step back in time with the volume adorned with an iconic cover from March, 1927, paying homage to decades of cultural history and art.
- Keep your precious photos and memories organised and within reach.
The Printworks XL Photo Album contains 30 pages of high quality black paper, onto which you can attach photos.
The album accommodates a total of 40 pages.
Fits two 10x15 photographs on each page with space to spare for jotting down details.
Photo paper size: 21 x 28 cm
Dimensions: 33 x 27 x 5cm
Weight: 1.3kg
SKU:SKU code: PW00699
Manufacturer Code:Manufacturer code: PW00699
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