Mugshot Height Chart
Mugshot Height Chart
RRP:RRP: $21.95
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Pre-Order Stock: 96 to preorder: 21 Oct
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Create your own criminal record
- A double-sided paper poster and set of 10 number cards.
- Create a convict-style case file on the growth of your little terrors, complete with photographic evidence!
- Start by ensuring the poster correctly records the height, then ask the suspect to hold the numbered age cards in front of their chest.
Take two photos, one front-view, one side-view, and you'll have an almost official criminal record to add to the photo album. A light-hearted gift for friends with adorable (crazy) kids.
Includes: 1 double sided poster with measurements in feet, inches, meters and cm's and 10 double sided number cards
Recyclable Paper Product. This product is made from paper, and is fully recyclable.
Designer: Rosie Upright
Manufacturer Code:Manufacturer code: CHARTLINEUP1
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