Notebooks Dogs
Notebooks Dogs
RRP:RRP: $24.95
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Pocketbooks with ears for puppy lovers.
- Set of 3 cute doggo shaped notebooks, 64 pages per book.
- Made with recycled paper and neatly saddle stitched.
- Fits perfectly in your pocket, bookmarks included!
Never has the Venn-diagram of dogs, and cute stationery so perfectly overlapped.
Pet lovers rejoice, fans of funny YouTube clips rejoice, fans of neat pocketable and unbearably cute stationery rejoice. We've got it all right here. Clearly a great gift for loopy dog people. These puppers even come with licky tongue bookmarks.
Designed and made by Suck UK
Dimensions: 86 x 150 x 5mm
Manufacturer Code:Manufacturer code: NOTEBOOKDOG1
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